Thursday, November 22, 2007

Today is's mean the best day of this week is coming, because in saudi arabia the duty off is thursday and friday. I am very exiting and i already in makkah for pray jumah for this day. Iam living in jeddah that place not to far from makkah, if u go by bus around 50 menit u will come to makkah, suddently my alarm ringing very cloudly, it's mean time at 5.16 am in KSA, in outside I am hear the sound of adzan , the sound is amazing, i always remember this time because every fajr time my father always surprise me with cold water to make me wake up, sometime if i still sleeping he will press my nose so i will feel difficult for breathing and i will wake up, ha..ha.. so funny and to day i miss him alot (i hope Allah always with him) after that i will make ablution before pray and pray together in masjid with may father and my mom. In islam adzan it's mean time to pray so if  adzan coming at 5.16 in masjid it's mean fajr/subuh time is coming. That morning I am late to wake up because yesterday I have a lot of customer, but Alhamdulillah my phone remaind me to prayer subuh. This morning I feel different after wudhu (ablution) I feel fresh and healthy. My frend call me to join with him to pray in Masjidil Haram, I say "may be too late" but he make me sure that is time not too late. I am very antusiasly because the goodness if I pray in Masjidil Haram it same with 100.000 goodness than the other masjid in the world. After he pick me in my apartment, he tell me that imam prayer in this subuh pray is syekh suraim (the popular imam in masjidil haram), i like his voice, my father always lisen his voice via casete in the tape recorder in my home everyday after fajr time, but now i can hear his voice directly, thanks god. After that we can doing pray subuh in Masjidil Haram together. Alhamdulillah we can prayer together  and InsaAllah khusu'. amiin
(hanya coba-coba posting 1 kali Dari : ponakkanku).......
Posted by RIKO JOWIR On 11/22/2007 No comments READ FULL POST
Tawaf (mengelilingi ka'bah 7 kali) di Masjidil Harom

Posted by RIKO JOWIR On 11/22/2007 No comments READ FULL POST

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wow..amazing in the night
After shalat 'isya you can sitdown around kabba, you can see the people doing tawaf
Posted by RIKO JOWIR On 11/20/2007 No comments READ FULL POST

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Masjidil Harom in the night
Posted by RIKO JOWIR On 11/17/2007 No comments READ FULL POST
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